I have decided to organise a party for my Birthday. It is not that I actually want a party, in fact I really don’t want one at all and have gone to the lengths of arranging to be on holiday on my actual Birthday to avoid all of the fuss. My friends, however, are so determined to arrange one for me that they are planning all sorts of horrors for my return. The only way to head off their plans is to arrange my own event. The question is what should I do?
The real problem here is age. I will be celebrating a significant birthday (50 but don’t tell anyone). Sadly many of my friends are a lot younger than me and my age is a constant source of humour for them. I could bore you forever on the endless stream of jokes that come my way. Unfortunately for me I worked with many of my good friends at a theme park which is a very public place in which the workers have the use of public address systems. On one occasion my best friend told the 1000 strong queue at a roller coaster that the staff at the park were organising a special collection to buy me a Motability vehicle and on another day he told them to all stand aside because an elderly person was coming through! Another friend told the guests that I was the oldest ride operator in the world. I also endured constant requests to turn on my hearing aid and was once refused access to a staff ride in case my pacemaker failed! To cap it all one colleague once asked me if I required the installation of a stair lift to enable me to access a ride console.The Party
The truth is that I am an active person with a tendency to behave like I am still 20 and with a distinctly childish side. In revenge for the constant jokes about age I have decided to have an anti-age party which will be conducted exactly like a children’s party but with only adults present. I will choose a suitably childish theme like pirates or princesses and insist that all guests arrive dressed for the part. I will serve them all jelly and ice cream on paper plates and we can all play silly games before being entertained by a clown. The clown will be a fantastic addition to proceedings because the particular friend who is so fond of hearing aid jokes is also terrified of clowns. Oh sweet revenge.Fine Details
The party can be topped off by the handing out of party bags and sweets and then insisting the guests are collected by their parents before 6 pm so I can enjoy the rest of my day in peace. The event will, in fact, be my fifth birthday revisited. The trouble is I have a horrible feeling that my friends might actually enjoy it!Citations:
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